Blessington Farms and Farm Funland Policies and Code of Conduct
Blessington Farms (“Farm”) including the Farm Funland (”FFL”) is a Agritourism entity providing Agritourism activities as set out under Chapter 75A of Texas Law. Our facility is family friendly and, therefore we expect Guests to behave appropriately. Unruly, disruptive or offensive behavior is strictly prohibited and will not be tolerated. Violating our Farm policies may be cause for ejection from the Farm without refund. For more information, please review the Farm policies below.
Risks & Responsibilities
We are a working Farm and there are inherent risks involved. By entering our premises, you accept all risks. The Farm and its employees are not responsible for damaged, lost or stolen items. It is the guest’s responsibility to protect their personal property while at the Farm. Guests are expected to exercise good judgment and act in a responsible manner. There are inherent risks in the participation in or on any ride, device, use of the lake or other attractions. Rides, devices and attractions may be stressful and may shock, surprise, thrill, or inspire our guest. Guests are of different capabilities, limitations, and health, and when participating on a ride, device, or attraction should not engage beyond their capabilities, limitations, or health. Guests must also obey all oral and written warnings and properly use all ride safety equipment provided. Guests who do not comply with ride rules may be ejected from the Farm without refund. Parents/Supervising Adults of young children are responsible for assessing risks and must accompany their children throughout the Farm. Please refer to specific guidelines posted at the entrance of every ride.
Farm Funland
General Admission
Entrance into Farm Funland requires purchasing a designated wristband at the gate or an online ticket (collectively “Ticket”). Tickets are required for all persons twenty four (24) months and older. Online Guests will be issued wristbands upon verification of their purchase. Wristbands must be worn throughout the day. Any person not in possession of a wristband, will be required to purchase a Ticket or leave Farm Funland immediately. Children under the age of fourteen (14) must be accompanied by adult. Active military service verification at the gate is required for men and women currently serving our Armed Forces for special consideration given them and/or their immediate family members. The Blessington Farms website (blessingtonfarms.com) is the authorized media for current ticket pricing. Other media such as Google, newspaper articles, other websites etc. may not be updated and may not reflect our current pricing.
Birthday, Field Trip &
Event Deposit Refunds
In the event the Farm is forced to close due to inclement weather prior to the event date, deposits will be refunded in full. Should inclement weather occur during the day of the event requires Farm Funland’s closure, the Farm, at its sole discretion, may refund a portion of the deposit and/or ticket costs.
Subject to the Farm receiving a written (email) notice one week prior to the event date, reservation cancellation is allowed and the customer is entitled to receive a refund with a refund with a 15% administration and processing fee.
Should inclement weather occur during the day of the event requiring Farm Funland’s closure, the Farm, at its sole discretion, may issue complementary rain check cards to recently arriving guests. If tickets are bought online you may transfer them to a different day or receive a refund minus the processing fees.
Activities Restrictions
From time to time, factors outside our control, such as but not limited to standing water, mechanical breakdown, employee absences, etc., may require us to shut down various activities. It is at the sole discretion of Blessington Farms and resume the rights to shut down or limit activities for the day.
Alcoholic Beverages, Smoking and Illicit Drugs
No alcoholic beverages, tobacco nor illegal drugs can be brought into Farm. Smoking and drunken and drug induced behavior is cause for ejection from the Farm without refund.
Additionally, smoking, vapor and electronic cigarettes are prohibited from being used on the premises.
Guests are expected to behave in a family-friendly manner. Do not sit or stand on fences or railings. Line-jumping, profanity and unruly behavior are offensive to Farm Guests and may be cause for ejection without refund. Guests are not permitted to save places in line, bypass others in line, or exit the line and return to the same place for any reason. Guests exiting a line must go to the back of the line if they decide to return.
In keeping with our family-friendly environment and for safety reasons, Farm enforces a dress code. Proper and unrevealing attire must be worn in the Farm at all times, including shirts, dresses and appropriate footwear. Going shirtless and clothing or tattoos with offensive language or graphics are not permitted at any time. Examples of clothing not permitted are those which display:
Graphic Violence
Support of drugs or drug use
Gang symbols
Promoting discrimination against any group
An image of an assault rifle or hand gun does not, by itself, rise to the level of graphic violence. Farm admission may be denied if clothing or tattoos are deemed to be inappropriate by management and the Guest refuses all reasonable options. Shirts cannot be turned inside out as a solution.
Dress Code
Food, beverages or coolers may be brought into our Farm. The Farm provides picnic tables for guests use except those picnic tables designated as “RESERVED”. Barbecuing and/or grilling is not permitted anywhere on the Farm property.
Food, Drinks, Coolers,
& Picnic Tables
Berry Picking
During our fruit picking season please pay close attention to all updates such as picking times and availability. Blueberry picking typically starts mid to late April and will go until fruit is picked out. Blackberries tend to be ready for picking in May and as well will go until they are picked out. In the past we have gone to the second week of June, but fruit production is not in our control. We do highly suggest that you come first thing for picking the berries as we can not guarantee the fields will be open all day. Both blueberries and blackberries are pick your own and you will pay for what you pick. At this time there is no admission fees to enter our fields to pick, but you will be required to purchase one of our Buskets. The Buskets will be yours to keep and you can return with them for future berry picking.
When arriving to the farm you will be greeted by one of our farm team members and they will guide you through the berry picking process.
We do ask that you please pay attention to the details as each piece of information is important. If you and your family will be joining in on the Farm Funland fun, please pay for all berries before going to play.
Guest Safety
The Farm reserves the right to inspect all packages, purses, backpacks and fanny packs prior to entering the Farm. Weapons and illegal contraband are not permitted into the Farm. We recommend that you secure such items in the trunk of your vehicle.
Guests using profanity or abusive language, symbols or gestures may be ejected from the Farm without refund.
In addition to the Farm Guest Code of Conduct, Guests are required to comply with all local, state and federal laws, as well as individual Farm policies, rules and instructions posted or otherwise listed.
Farm Policy Compliance
Animals are not allowed in the Farm, with the exception of service animals and accompanying paper work. You will be asked to stay away from our animal yard. The Farm does not provide kennel services. For the health and safety of your pet, do not leave it in your car for any length of time while visiting the Farm.
In addition to all items previously mentioned, the following items are not permitted at the Farm, at any time:
Spray paint and aerosol cans
Spiked clothing or jewelry
Fireworks and explosives
Firearms and ammunition
Chemical weapons, including mace and pepper spray
Barbeques or grills
Unmanned aerial vehicles (drones)
Prohibited Items
By entering Blessington Farm, Guests grant Farm the right to film, video, record or photograph them on Farm property without payment or consideration. Our requests that all photographs or video taken by our Guests be used for their personal use and enjoyment only. Any use, reuse or reproduction for commercial purposes without the express written consent of Farm is strictly prohibited. Blessington Farms reserves the right to refuse to allow photography of any kind as necessary at individual locations. Unless permitted by the Farm, no commercial photography of any kind is permitted.
All Farm rides and attractions are protected by copyright. Guests must have written permission to use photographs and/or videotape of Farm images for commercial broadcasting, advertising, marketing or publishing in any medium.
Guests must present their daily wrist bands to gain entrance to the FFL. FFL entry is only valid for one day. Guests with appropriate wrist bands may leave the Farm and return on the day they purchased their wristband. Transferring wrist bands is a violation of Farm policies and is strictly prohibited. Violators will be refused entry to FFL.
Guests (such as Parent(s), Legal Guardian(s), teachers, sponsors, administrators, coordinators, etc.) acknowledge and fully understand that 1) participation in the Farm’s Agritourism activities is subject to Civil Practice and Remedies Code, Title 4. Liability In Tort, Chapter 75A. Limited Liability For Agritourism Activities (see http://www.statutes.legis.state.tx.us/Docs/CP/pdf/CP.75A.pdf), 2) adults with children have the ultimate and sole responsibility relative to the child’s safety and 3) there are inherent risks of injury or harm associated with the Farm’s activities and critters.
The Farm’s activities and exposure may include but are not limited to a body of water, climbing, riding equipment, handling animals, running, bouncing, moving vehicles, reptiles, insects, rodents, and other camp structures, and other activities associated with the Farm experience. These inherent risks include, but are not limited to: encountering natural dangers or injuries such as falling, being bitten by critters such as animals, insects or snakes, irregular or uneven ground, unseen and unmarked objects, drowning or serious injury in and around water, water impurities and the like.
Inherent risks also include acts or omissions of other Guests, sunburn, rain or hail storms, tornadoes and the like, contact with plants, animals or insects, the risk of Guests engaging in unauthorized activities, Guests’ own acts and omissions, the administration and availability of first aid and emergency treatment and consumption of food or drink by Guest. Guests further acknowledge that there may be other sources of risk that are not listed but nevertheless agree that such risks exist even if they are not specifically identified in this document.
Acknowledgement of Risk & Parental Responsibility
Guest Waiver of Rights and Release of Liability
Guests hereby release, waive and discharge the Farm, its agents, employees, contractors and volunteers (“Staff”) from all loss damage, injury, or liability arising in connection the Farm including all Farm activities, use of Farm facilities and equipment. This waiver extends to, but is not limited to those risks described in ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RISK above, providing, however, that this waiver and release does not include loss, damage, injury, or liability, caused by the intentional or reckless acts of the Farm and/or its Staff.
Guests further agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Farm and its Staff from and against all losses, damages, monetary awards and expenses, including all costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the indemnified parties in connection with any and all claims asserted against the Farm and its Staff brought by Guests, and their respective heirs successors, assigns and legal representatives for any injury, illness, disease death, or damage to or loss of property, arising in connection with the Farm. Notwithstanding the foregoing, this indemnification and hold harmless does not extend to losses, damages, monetary awards and expenses caused by the intentional or reckless acts of the Farm and its Staff.